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Results WCoPP 2023 - Results & Replays (Won by Europe)

Discussion in 'World Cup of Pokemon Perfect' started by Christos, Oct 1, 2023.

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  1. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Information and Decisions


    Week 1

    Oceania (1) vs (7) Europe
    SS OU:
    RTM vs. lolebruh ✅- Activity
    SM OU: MTB vs. Zokuru✅
    ORAS OU: martinvtran vs. Egor✅
    BW OU: Batzi vs. Segale✅
    DPP OU: O1V7O2X9O vs. Sharow✅
    ADV OU: Wazza37 vs. Amir✅
    GSC OU: phosphor✅ vs. Eeveeto
    RBY OU: nicole7735 vs. SaDiSTiCNarwhal✅ - Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    Asia (4) vs (4) Brazil
    SS OU:
    skimmythegod vs. TDNT✅
    SM OU: Proftreez✅ vs. neymar x
    ORAS OU: NoName6293 vs. Spl4sh✅
    BW OU: devin vs. A Hero's Destiny✅
    DPP OU: PANNAMMA vs. Beraldinhoo Seraphz ✅
    ADV OU: Goldmason✅ vs. HaxBro.K
    GSC OU: feen✅ vs. Hyogafodex
    RBY OU: Bohrier✅ vs. Lorenzo - Game 1, Game 2

    Argentina (4) vs (4) Venezuela
    SS OU: JustFranco✅ vs. Ferenia
    SM OU: haxlolo vs. Dark Shion✅
    ORAS OU: Mister Magnus vs. Juseth Sepulveda✅
    BW OU: GasaiYunoSan✅ vs. Fakee
    DPP OU: ElectricityCat✅ vs. Raahel
    ADV OU: TopLel TopKek vs. Shiddo✅
    RBY OU: Kokujo O Tatsumaki vs. kaipro✅- Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    Germany (2) vs (6) Greece
    SS OU: Eulelp vs. Mysterious M✅
    SM OU: Glurakaiser vs. 2HP✅
    ORAS OU: erz vs. the pharoah✅
    BW OU: Feaniix vs. BluBirD✅
    DPP OU: Riesen_Oschi vs. Christos✅
    ADV OU: Conflict✅ vs. Astamatitos
    GSC OU: Fantos13✅ vs. GLFGno007
    RBY OU: RaiZen1704 vs. roudolf13✅- Game 1, Game 2

    Spain (3) vs (5) China
    SS OU: Tenebricite vs. wangyu✅
    SM OU: toytean✅ vs. friedshrimp - Activity
    ORAS OU: victordoblew vs. Metallica126✅
    BW OU: Rojovsred✅ vs. Raceding
    DPP OU: Ilesaural vs. burstbean✅
    ADV OU: Sheik✅ vs. gostop
    GSC OU: K3NIX vs. Yuudachi0811✅
    RBY OU: Justamente vs. unjuanable✅- Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    Peru (3) vs (5) France
    SS OU: Huargensy vs. CaptainEikichi✅
    SM OU: TrRizzo09✅ vs. VyoletRayn
    ORAS OU: LVAM✅ vs. h4g
    BW OU: MassiveDestruction✅ vs. Zsynaps✅
    DPP OU: Leo vs. D_C_T_D✅
    ADV OU: Ghostfall22 vs. BlazingDark✅
    GSC OU: Teres Bahji vs. ØmBrArch✅
    RBY OU: Naraku Kirigiri vs. Frrf✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    Latin America (4) vs (4) North America
    SS OU: Storm Zone✅ vs. TPP
    SM OU: Bbeeaa vs. dex✅
    ORAS OU: ZDen✅ vs. Monai
    BW OU: Lycans✅ vs. BIG WILL
    DPP OU: Athena's Myth vs. 16bit✅
    ADV OU: CyberOdin MultiNightmare vs. Hclat✅
    GSC OU: CDW Enrique vs. Jester✅
    RBY OU: Green on fire✅ vs. Ctown BeeOrSomething - Game 1, Game 2
  2. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
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    Week 2

    Peru (2) vs (3) Latin America
    Huargensy✅ vs Storm Zone
    SM: TrRizzo09 vs bbeeaa✅
    ORAS: LVAM✅ vs ZDen
    BW: MassiveDestruction vs Lycans - Not played
    DPP: Leo vs Athena's Myth - Not played
    ADV: Ghostfall22 vs CyberOdin✅
    GSC: Teres Bahji vs MultiNightmare Enrique - Not played
    RBY: Naraku Kirigiri vs Green on fire✅- Game 1, Game 2

    Brazil (4) vs (4) Argentina
    SS: TDNT✅ vs JustFranco
    SM: HANTSUKI✅ vs GabrieLopez haxlolo
    ORAS: Spl4sh vs Mister Magnus✅
    BW: A Hero's Destiny Rewer✅ vs GasaiYunoSan Raichy
    DPP: Beraldinhoo vs ElectricityCat✅
    ADV: HaxBro.K vs SM Larvitar TopLel TopKek✅ - Activity
    GSC: hyogafodex vs ziloXX✅
    RBY: Staraptor✅ vs Kokujo O Tatsumaki - Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    China (3) vs (5) France
    SS: wangyu vs CaptainEikichi✅
    SM: friedshrimp✅ vs VyoletRayn
    ORAS: Metallica126 vs h4g✅
    BW: Raceding✅ vs Rubyblood
    DPP: burstbean✅ vs D_C_T_D
    ADV: gostop vs BlazingDark✅
    GSC: Yuudachi0811 vs ØmBrArch✅
    RBY: unjuanable vs Frrf✅- Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    Spain (3) vs (5) Asia
    SS: Tenebricite vs skimmythegod✅
    SM: toytean vs Proftreez✅
    ORAS: Joya vs NoName6293✅
    BW: Rojovsred vs devin✅
    DPP: egalvanc✅ vs PANNAMMA
    ADV: Sheik vs Goldmason✅
    GSC: K3NIX✅ vs feen
    RBY: Justamente✅ vs Bohrier - Game 1, Game 2

    Germany (5) vs (3) Venezuela
    SS: Eulelp vs Ferenia✅
    SM: Glurakaiser✅ vs Hashg Skynyrd Dark Shion
    ORAS: erz✅ vs Juseth sepulveda
    BW: Feaniix vs Fakee✅
    DPP: Riesen_Oschi✅ vs Raahel
    ADV: Conflict✅ vs Shiddo
    GSC: Fantos13 vs THUNDER CEBRA✅
    RBY: RaiZen1704✅ vs kaipro - Game 1, Game 2

    Oceania (2) vs (6) North America
    SS: RTM vs TPP✅
    SM: MTB vs Finchinator✅
    ORAS: martinvtran✅ vs dex
    BW: Batzi vs Monai✅
    DPP: O1V7O2X9O vs 16bit✅
    ADV: Wazza37 vs Hclat✅
    GSC: phosphor vs Jester✅
    RBY: nicole7735✅ vs Ctown - Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    Europe (2) vs (6) Greece
    SS: lolebruh✅ vs Mysterious M
    SM: Egor vs 2HP✅
    ORAS: Zokuru✅ vs the pharoah
    BW: Segale vs BluBirD✅
    DPP: Sharow fran17 vs Christos✅- Game 1, Game 2
    ADV: Amir vs Astamatitos✅
    GSC: Eeveeto vs GLFGno007✅
    RBY: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs roudolf13✅- Game 1, Game 2
  3. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Week 3

    Argentina (2) vs (6) Spain
    SS: JustFranco✅ vs TheSergio235
    SM: haxlolo GabrieLopez vs Tenebricite✅
    ORAS: Kokujo O Tatsumaki vs Joya ✅ - Activity
    BW: GasaiYunoSan vs toytean✅
    DPP: ElectricityCat✅ vs egalvanc
    ADV: Raichy vs Sheik✅
    GSC: ziloXX vs K3NIX✅
    RBY: Mister Magnus vs Justamente✅- Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    Venezuela (4) vs (4) France
    Ferenia✅ vs CaptainEikichi - Activity
    SM: Dark Shion✅ vs VyoletRayn
    ORAS: Juseth sepulveda✅ vs h4g
    BW: Fakee vs RoiDadadou Rubyblood
    DPP: Raahel vs D_C_T_D ✅
    ADV: Shiddo vs BlazingDark✅
    RBY: kaipro vs Frrf✅- Game 1, Game 2

    Greece (5) vs (3) Oceania
    SS: Mysterious M✅ vs RTM
    SM: 2HP✅ vs MTB
    ORAS: the pharoah✅ vs martinvtran
    BW: Ace11✅ vs Batzi
    DPP: Christos vs O1V7O2X9O✅
    ADV: Astamatitos vs Wazza37✅
    GSC: BluBirD vs phosphor Brammi
    RBY: roudolf13✅ vs nicole7735 - Activity

    Europe (5) vs (3) Asia
    SS: lolebruh vs NoName6293✅
    SM: Sharow vs Proftreez✅
    ORAS: Amir✅ vs skimmythegod
    BW: Segale✅ vs devin
    DPP: Zokuru✅ vs Alpha1013
    ADV: Gacu✅ vs Cdijk16 Goldmason
    GSC: Eeveeto vs feen✅
    RBY: SaDiSTiCNarwhal✅ vs Bohrier - Game 1, Game 2

    Latin America (4) vs (3) China
    Storm Zone vs wangyu✅- Activity
    SM: Bbeeaa vs friedshrimp - Not played
    ORAS: ZDen vs Metallica126✅
    BW: Lycans✅ vs Raceding - Activity
    DPP: Athena's Myth vs burstbean✅
    ADV: CyberOdin✅ vs gostop
    GSC: MultiNightmare✅ vs Yuudachi0811
    RBY: Green on fire✅ vs unjuanable - Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    North America (5) vs (2) Peru
    TPP✅ vs Huargensy - Activity
    SM: Finchinator✅ vs TrRizzo09
    ORAS: dex✅ vs LVAM
    BW: Monai vs MassiveDestruction✅
    DPP: 16bit BIG WILL✅ vs Leo
    ADV: Hclat vs Ghostfall22✅
    GSC: Jester✅ vs Teres Bahji
    RBY: Ctown vs Naraku Kirigiri - Not played

    Germany (4) vs (4) Brazil
    SS: Eulelp vs TDNT✅
    SM: Glurakaiser✅ vs HANTSUKI
    ORAS: erz✅ vs Spl4sh
    BW: Feaniix vs A Hero's Destiny✅
    DPP: Riesen_Oschi vs Beraldinhoo✅
    ADV: Conflict vs Seraphz✅
    GSC: Fantos13✅ vs Hyogafodex
    RBY: Raizen1704✅ vs Staraptor - Game 1, Game 2
  4. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Week 4

    Peru (1) vs (7) Europe
    SS OU:
    Huargensy vs lolebruh✅- Activity
    SM OU: TrRizzo09 vs Egor✅- Activity
    ORAS OU: LVAM vs Amir✅- Activity
    BW OU: MassiveDestruction vs Segale✅- Activity
    DPP OU: Leo vs Zokuru✅- Activity
    ADV OU: Ghostfall22 vs Gacu✅
    GSC OU: Teres Bahji✅ vs Eeveeto
    RBY OU: Nakaru Kirigiri vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal✅- Activity

    Spain (1) vs (5) Latin America
    SS OU: TheSergio235 vs Storm Zone✅
    SM OU: Tenebricite vs Bbeeaa - Not played
    ORAS OU: Joya vs McLovin ZDen
    BW OU: toytean vs Lycans✅
    DPP OU: egalvanc vs Athena's Myth✅
    ADV OU: Sheik vs CyberOdin - Not played
    GSC OU: K3NIX✅ vs MultiNightmare
    RBY OU: Justamente vs Green on fire✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    Oceania (4) vs (4) China
    SS OU: RTM✅ vs wangyu
    SM OU: MTB✅ vs friedshrimp
    ORAS OU: martinvtran vs Metallica126✅
    BW OU: Batzi vs Raceding✅
    DPP OU: O1V7O2X9O vs burstbean✅
    ADV OU: Wazza37✅ vs gostop
    GSC OU: Brammi vs Yuudachi0811✅
    RBY OU: nicole7735✅ vs unjuanable - Game 1, Game 2

    Greece (4) vs (4) Venezuela
    SS OU: nikitas✅ vs Ferenia
    SM OU: 2HP vs Dark Shion✅
    ORAS OU: the pharoah✅ vs Juseth sepulveda
    BW OU: Ace11 vs Fakee✅
    DPP OU: Lialiabeast✅ vs Raahel disgusting
    ADV OU: Astamatitos vs Shygon✅
    RBY OU: Roudolf13 Christos✅ vs Oswel Rodriguez kaipro - Game 1, Game 2

    North America (3) vs (4) Brazil
    SS OU: TPP vs Rewer TDNT
    SM OU: Finchinator✅ vs neymar X HANTSUKI
    ORAS OU: dex vs Spl4sh✅
    BW OU: Monai vs A Hero's Destiny - Not played
    DPP OU: 16bit vs Beraldinhoo✅
    ADV OU: Hclat✅ vs Seraphz HaxBro.K
    GSC OU: Jester vs Hyogafodex✅
    RBY OU: Ctown✅ vs Staraptor - Game 1, Game 2

    Asia (5) vs (3) Argentina
    SS OU: devin✅ vs JustFranco
    SM OU: Proftreez✅ vs Kokujo O Tatsumaki
    ORAS OU: TDR✅ vs haxlolo Mister Magnus
    BW OU: skimmythegod vs GasaiYunoSan✅
    DPP OU: NoName6293✅ vs ElectricityCat
    ADV OU: Goldmason✅ vs Raichy
    GSC OU: feen vs ziloXX✅
    RBY OU: Bohrier vs SM Larvitar✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    France (4) vs (3) Germany
    SS OU: CaptainEikichi✅ vs Eulelp
    SM OU: VyoletRayn✅ vs Glurakaiser
    ORAS OU: h4g✅ vs erz
    BW OU: Rubyblood vs Feaniix - Not played
    DPP OU: D_C_T_D✅ vs Riesen_Oschi
    ADV OU: BlazingDark vs Conflict✅
    GSC OU: ØmBrArch vs Fantos13✅
    RBY OU: Frrf vs RaiZen1704✅- Game 1, Game 2, Game 3
  5. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Week 5

    North America (4) vs (3) Germany
    SS OU: TPP vs Eulelp✅
    SM OU: Finchinator vs Glurakaiser✅
    ORAS OU: dex✅ vs erz
    BW OU: Monai✅ vs MangoSteak
    DPP OU: 16bit✅ vs Riesen_Oschi
    ADV OU: Hclat vs Conflict - Not played
    GSC OU: Jester✅ vs Fantos13
    RBY OU: Ctown vs RaiZen1704✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    Brazil (6) vs (2) France
    SS OU: TDNT✅ vs CaptainEikichi
    SM OU: HANTSUKI vs VyoletRayn✅
    ORAS OU: Spl4sh✅ vs h4g
    BW OU: A Hero's Destiny✅ vs Zsynaps Rubyblood
    DPP OU: Beraldinhoo✅ vs D_C_T_D
    ADV OU: Seraphz✅ vs BlazingDark
    GSC OU: Hyogafodex✅ vs ØmBrArch
    RBY OU: Staraptor vs Frrf✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    China (3) vs (5) Europe
    SS OU: wangyu✅ vs Mada lolebruh
    SM OU: friedshrimp vs Zokuru✅
    ORAS OU: Metallica126 vs Egor✅
    BW OU: Raceding vs Segale✅- Activity
    DPP OU: burstbean vs Sharow✅
    ADV OU: gostop XKH✅ vs Amir
    GSC OU: Yuudachi0811✅ vs Eeveeto
    RBY OU: unjuanable vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal✅ - Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    Latin America (2) vs (5) Venezuela
    SS OU: Storm Zone vs Ferenia✅
    SM OU: Bbeeaa vs Dark Shion - Not played
    ORAS OU: ZDen vs Juseth Sepulveda✅
    BW OU: Lycans✅ vs Fakee
    DPP OU: Athena's Myth vs LLiama✅ - Activity
    ADV OU: CyberOdin✅ vs Shiddo
    GSC OU: MultiNightmare McLovin vs Raahel✅
    RBY OU: Green on fire vs THUNDER CEBRA✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    Asia (3) vs (5) Greece
    SS OU: devin vs Mysterious M✅
    SM OU: Proftreez✅ vs 2HP
    ORAS OU: TDR vs the pharoah✅
    BW OU: skimmythegod vs BluBirD✅
    DPP OU: NoName6293 vs Christos✅
    ADV OU: Goldmason✅ vs Astamatitos
    GSC OU: feen✅ vs GLFGno007
    RBY OU: Bohrier vs roudolf13✅ - Game 1, Game 2
  6. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
    Likes Received:
    Week 6

    North America (4) vs (4) Venezuela
    SS OU: TPP vs Ferenia✅
    SM OU: Finchinator spellcaster✅ vs Gochan Dark Shion
    ORAS OU: dex vs Juseth Sepulveda✅
    BW OU: Monai vs Fakee✅
    DPP OU: 16bit✅ vs Lliama
    ADV OU: Hclat✅ vs Shiddo
    GSC OU: Jester✅ vs Raahel
    RBY OU: Ctown Dababy2 vs THUNDER CEBRA✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    Asia (3) vs (5) Latin America
    SS OU: skimmythegod vs CDW Enrique Storm Zone
    SM OU: Proftreez✅ vs Bbeeaa
    ORAS OU: NoName6293 vs ZDen✅
    BW OU: devin vs Lycans✅
    DPP OU: PANNAMMA Alpha1013✅ vs Athena's Myth
    ADV OU: Goldmason vs CyberOdin✅
    GSC OU: feen✅ vs McLovin MultiNightmare
    RBY OU: Bohrier vs Green on fire✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    Brazil (4) vs (4) Europe
    SS OU: TDNT vs lolebruh✅
    SM OU: HANTSUKI vs Egor✅
    ORAS OU: Spl4sh vs Amir✅
    BW OU: A Hero's Destiny✅ vs Segale
    DPP OU: Beraldinhoo✅ vs Sharow
    ADV OU: Seraphz✅ vs Zokuru
    GSC OU: Hyogafodex vs Eeveeto✅
    RBY OU: Staraptor✅ vs Savouras SaDiSTiCNarwhal - Game 1, Game 2

    France (3) vs (4) Greece
    SS OU: CaptainEikichi✅ vs Mysterious M
    SM OU: VyoletRayn✅ vs Ace11 2HP
    ORAS OU: h4g✅ vs the pharoah
    BW OU: Rubyblood Zsynaps vs BluBirD✅
    DPP OU: D_C_T_D vs Christos✅
    ADV OU: BlazingDark vs Astamatitos - Not played
    GSC OU: ØmBrArch vs GLFGno007✅
    RBY OU: Frrf vs roudolf13✅ - Game 1, Game 2

    China (1) vs (3) Germany
    SS OU: wangyu vs Eulelp✅
    SM OU: lza vs Glurakaiser - Not played
    ORAS OU: Metallica126 vs erz - Not played
    BW OU: Raceding✅ vs MangoSteak
    DPP OU: burstbean vs Riesen_Oschi- Not played
    ADV OU: gostop vs Conflict✅
    GSC OU: Yuudachi0811 vs Fantos13 - Not played
    RBY OU: unjuanable vs RaiZen1704✅- Game 1, Game 2
  7. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Latin America (5) vs (2) France
    SS OU: Storm Zone✅ vs CaptainEikichi
    SM OU: Bbeeaa vs VyolenRayn✅- Activity
    ORAS OU: ZDen✅ vs h4g
    BW OU: Lycans✅ vs Abbehat Rubyblood
    DPP OU: Athena's Myth vs D_C_T_D - Not played
    ADV OU: Cyberodin✅ vs BlazingDark
    GSC OU: McLovin✅ vs ØmBrArch - Activity
    RBY OU: Green on fire vs Frrf✅- Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    North America (4) vs (6) Brazil
    SS OU: TPP vs TDNT✅
    SM OU: Finchinator vs HANTSUKI✅
    ORAS OU: dex vs Spl4sh✅
    BW OU: Monai✅ vs A Hero's Destiny
    DPP OU: 16bit vs Beraldinhoo✅
    ADV OU: Hclat✅ vs Seraphz
    GSC OU: Jester✅ vs Hyogafodex
    RBY OU: Ctown✅ vs Staraptor - Game 1, Game 2

    ORAS OU: Finchinator vs Spl4sh✅
    ADV OU: Hclat vs Hyogafodex✅
    RBY OU: Ctown vs TDNT - Not played
  8. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Greece (5) vs (1) Brazil
    SS OU:
    Mysterious M vs TDNT - Not played
    ORAS OU: the pharoah✅ vs Spl4sh
    BW OU: BluBirD vs A Hero's Destiny✅
    DPP OU: Christos✅ vs Beraldinhoo
    ADV OU: Astamatitos✅ vs Seraphz
    GSC OU: Fear vs Hyogafodex - Not played
    RBY OU: roudolf13✅ vs Staraptor - Game 1, Game 2

    Europe (6) vs (5) Latin America
    SS OU: lolebruh vs Storm Zone✅
    SM OU: Zokuru vs Bbeeaa✅
    ORAS OU: Egor vs ZDen✅
    BW OU: Segale✅ vs Lycans
    DPP OU: Sharow vs Athena's Myth✅ - Activity
    ADV OU: Gacu✅ vs Cyberodin - Activity
    GSC OU: Eeveeto✅ vs McLovin
    RBY OU: SaDiSTiCNarwhal✅ vs Green on fire - Game 1, Game 2

    SS OU:
    Zokuru✅vs Storm Zone
    GSC OU: Eeveeto✅ vs Lycans - The replay could not be uploaded
    RBY OU: SaDiSTiCNarwhal vs Green on fire✅- Game 1, Game 2, Game 3
  9. Christos

    Christos Leader

    Jul 30, 2017
    Likes Received:

    Greece (4) vs. (6) Europe
    SS OU:
    Mysterious M✅vs lolebruh
    SM OU: 2HP vs Egor✅
    ORAS OU: the pharoah vs Amir✅
    BW OU: BluBirD✅ vs Segale
    DPP OU: Christos vs Zokuru✅
    ADV OU: Astamatitos vs Gacu✅
    GSC OU: GLFGno007✅ vs Eeveeto
    RBY OU: roudolf13✅ vs SaDiSTiCNarwhal - Game 1, Game 2, Game 3

    SS OU:
    Mysterious M vs. Zokuru
    ORAS OU: BluBirD vs. Savouras✅
    DPP OU: Christos vs. Amir✅​
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