Finished 2021 ADV OU Open 1 (Won by johnnyg2)

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Master of Procrastination
Host Emeritus
Welcome to the first ADV tournament of Pokemon Perfect's 2021 season!

ADV OU 2021 Master Thread

2021 ADV OU Open 1 (Signups)

Tournament Rules
  • Single elimination.
  • All matches are bo3.
  • All Smogon rules, bans and clauses are applicable.
  • Replays are mandatory from the semifinals onward.
  • All pairings in all rounds will be completely random. There are no predetermined brackets.
  • Only communication on Pokemon Perfect or on Discord is eligible for consideration in the event of an activity win situation. Substitute and Extensions Policy
  • Pokemon Perfect Discord: Pokémon Perfect

Participants: 79

Preliminary Round:

RyLon vs. pokology
Lord Thorx vs. Kerts
Fakeee vs. nchmax
NHelioX7 vs. Rayyybond
Wiggy Jiggy Jed vs. Dizno
Zokuru vs. Dread Arceus
dekzeh vs. thelinearcurve
Lukee vs. Ibidem
Jester vs. kiru_dakas
ThirdStrongestMole vs. emma
Nalorium vs. Hiro
monferno vs. TopLel TopKek
Chino itsuki vs. AttackonSamurott
McMeghan vs. Oro
gotei vs. HSOWA

Deadline for the Preliminary Round is the 25th of January, 08:00 GMT+2.

Round 1

(RyLon vs. pokology) vs. mikmer
Shakur vs. SamuelBest
Astamatitos vs Kaif (C)
Kokujo O Tatsumaki vs. temp (C)
(Lord Thorx vs. Kerts) vs. Drogba in Shenhua
koalacancee vs. Hyssou
(Fakeee vs. nchmax) vs. THEBILLDOZER
kael vs. Oxi
(NHelioX7 vs. Rayyybond) vs. Thilda (A)
Frrf vs. Diophantine
(Wiggy Jiggy Jed vs. Dizno) vs. Pheo'
johnnyg2 vs. Stockings
(Zokuru vs. Dread Arceus) vs. Kyundai
Larvitar vs. ACP
(dekzeh vs. thelinearcurve) vs. WhiteBreadWithCheese
Rchie99 vs. Mattakata
(Lukee vs. Ibidem) vs. Heika
Soodz1985 vs. Leander
(Jester vs. kiru_dakas) vs. BlazingDark
hclat vs. RahelGamer03
(ThirdStrongestMole vs. emma) vs. Huston (C)
Galrung vs. zacpz
(Nalorium vs. Hiro) vs. the918th
Exiline vs. TreinerOrenge (C)
(monferno vs. TopLel TopKek) vs. Mushi Musha
toytean vs. Abd
(Chino itsuki vs. AttackonSamurott) vs. Mael
Cowboy Dan vs. Siglut
(McMeghan vs. Oro) vs. Gainery
Ezze vs. Felix ^__^
(gotei vs. HSOWA) vs. rinnegan
BlessyZ vs. RampageWebber

Deadline for Round 1 is the 1st of February, 08:00 GMT+2.

Round 2

Drogba in Shenhua vs. Kokujo O Tatsumaki
koalacancee vs. Hiro
kael vs. Diophantine
johnnyg2 vs. Mushi Musha
Shakur vs. Rchie99
BlazingDark vs. Abd
RahelGamer03 vs. Ibidem
ThirdStrongestMole vs. Galrung (C)
Felix ^__^ vs. Soodz1985
Cowboy Dan vs. Mael
thelinearcurve vs. Astamatitos
mikmer vs. RampageWebber
ACP vs. Kyundai
Pheo' vs. TreinerOrenge
gotei vs. Rayyybond
nchmax. vs McMeghan

Deadline for Round 2 is the 8th of February, 08:00 GMT+2.

Round 3

Kokujo O Tatsumaki vs. johnnyg2
Shakur vs. Abd
Cowboy Dan vs. Kyundai
TreinerOrenge vs. koalacancee
mikmer vs. Ibidem
thelinearcurve vs. McMeghan (C)
Rayyybond vs. Felix ^__^
kael vs. Galrung

Deadline for Round 3 is the 15th of February, 08:00 GMT+2.

Round 4 (Quarterfinals)

johnnyg2 vs. Cowboy Dan

Shakur vs. mikmer
TreinerOrenge vs. Felix ^__^
kael vs. McMeghan

Deadline for Round 4 (Quarterfinals) is the 22nd of February, 08:00 GMT+2.

Round 5 (Semifinals)

johnnyg2 vs. Felix ^__^

mikmer vs. McMeghan

Deadline for Round 5 (Semifinals) is the 1st of March, 08:00 GMT+2.
Replays are mandatory!

Round 6 (Finals)

johnnyg2 vs. mikmer

Deadline for Round 6 (Finals) is the 8th of March, 08:00 GMT+2.
Replays are mandatory!

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