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Last Activity:
Sep 20, 2016
Sep 20, 2016
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Jul 26, 1987 (Age: 37)

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Male, 37


Anyone else in the USA always forget what GMT they are in due to daylight savings? lol Jan 6, 2018

TuffHunter was last seen:
Sep 20, 2016
    1. Christos
      Hello, we are paired for MT57. When would you like to play ? My timezone is GMT+2 and I'd prefer to play on Friday night or during the next weekend.
    2. Enigami
      We're up for RBY OU MT again. Does Friday evening or the weekend work for you?
      1. TuffHunter
        Sorry. Was on vacation, came back and work was crazy. I just forgot all about this lol.
        Oct 18, 2019
    3. Enigami
      Hey, we're opponents for RBY OU MT, same timezone as you. I'm not 100% certain about Thursday and Friday evening, but the weekend should be clear. We can try to arrange a fight earlier on Discord, but I think we should have a set time here just in case. 5PM Saturday work for you?
      1. TuffHunter
        5pm is usually dinner prep time and if I am not cooking I am entertaining a 4 & 1 year old. But I am on discord most of the day so just hit me up there.
        Sep 7, 2019
    4. Disaster Area
      Disaster Area
      nice to see you around again man ^^
      1. TuffHunter likes this.
      2. TuffHunter
        Thanks. I took a hiatus after losing in the final 4 of a world championship and felt like coming back after giving my son my old gameboy color ^_^
        Jul 24, 2019
    5. Disaster Area
      Disaster Area
      nice to see you around again man ^^
    6. Ortheore
      Hi when do you want to play for garbage? I'm +10, good to fight any day/night except thu.
    7. Disaster Area
      Disaster Area
      when mt
      earlier this week is better im probs not available on the weekend
      uk, best to find me on pp server/discord
      1. TuffHunter
        I am on discord most of the day, even at work. TuffHunter#9609
        Mar 12, 2018
      2. Disaster Area
        Disaster Area
        Mar 12, 2018
    8. EB0LA
      Hi, when for MT41?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. EB0LA
        We're same time zone, so those times work fine for me, which day works best for you?
        Feb 14, 2018
      3. EB0LA
        Also, what's your Discord? That should be easiest way to keep contact. Mine is EB0LA#0779
        Feb 14, 2018
      4. TuffHunter
        Any day is fine really. Been deeling with a cold and a sick kid so sometimes I can be randomlh busy. Just sent a friend request via discord; TuffHunter#9609
        Feb 14, 2018
    9. SamuelBest
      Hey we gotta play for RBY MT and shit, when do you want to do it?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. TuffHunter
        At work but I could use a coffee break. At the worst we can do 1 game. With our difference in times I may not be able to do all games at once.
        Jan 9, 2018
      3. SamuelBest
        Jan 9, 2018
      4. SamuelBest
        I can play from now on for the next 3 hours btw. SamuelBesttt on main.
        Jan 9, 2018
    10. TuffHunter
      Anyone else in the USA always forget what GMT they are in due to daylight savings? lol
    11. Disaster Area
      Disaster Area
      good to see you around again. You gonna hop in the next season (I'll probably put the signups up on Monday)?
      1. TuffHunter
        Thanks. Glad I was missed a little ;) I will gladly participate. Hopefully I remember to post and sign up lol
        Dec 29, 2017
    12. CrapAtRBY
      Hey, when Master? I'm +1
      1. TuffHunter
        Im -4. Best times for me are 7-10pm and then sometimes between 12-1pm during my lunch break at work.
        Oct 13, 2016
      2. CrapAtRBY
        7pm your time tonight?
        Oct 14, 2016
      3. TuffHunter
        Thank you for getting back to me! However tonight my wife and I are going out to dinner for our anniversary. However I don't have any plans this weekend or during next week so I should be on. However if you ever are online and don't see me feel free to message me here. I tend to check this throughout the day and I receive email alerts for "Conversations."
        Oct 14, 2016
    13. Disaster Area
      Disaster Area
      When do u wanna play for world championship
      1. TuffHunter
        In general I am around 7-10pm Gmt -5. But today and I an recovering from a virus and literally have the shakes so no promises ;)
        Oct 10, 2016
    14. TuffHunter
      On PS for RBY OU matches
    15. Mister Tim
      Mister Tim
      Hi, when rby wc?
      1. Disaster Area
        Disaster Area
        TuffHunter you need to click the Comment button and respond to these like that rather than leaving VMs on your own profile...
        Sep 25, 2016
      2. TuffHunter
        I ended up starting a conversation.
        Sep 25, 2016
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    Jul 26, 1987 (Age: 37)