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Mar 11, 2015
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    1. Oibaf
      when for gsc tour? gmt +2
    2. dnite
      hey, we're paired for GSC OU, I can do sometime this weekend in the evening
      1. View previous comments...
      2. dnite
        my bad brother, this past weekend was hell for work. if you'd be willing, id be down to play you in the tour if you dont wanna get the activity win. if not, all good man and gl in the tour
        Apr 17, 2019
      3. sulcata
        sorry, normally I'd agree to play, but I'm gonna be pretty busy during weekdays now and I don't want to make the rest of the tour wait.
        Apr 17, 2019
      4. sulcata
        hope to play you in the future =)
        Apr 17, 2019
    3. Lutra
      stop the short bad posts please
      1. sulcata
        ok, sry :(
        Dec 8, 2017
    4. hyogafodex
      wcopp, im gmt-2
      1. sulcata
        gmt -5, really busy until thursday. weekend is probably the best time. can't imagine we'll have too much difficulty finding each other since we're only 3 hours apart.
        Nov 6, 2017
      2. hyogafodex
        ill be only avaliable on saturday this weekend
        Nov 6, 2017
      3. sulcata
        Sounds good, I'll be on smogtours tomorrow then.
        Nov 10, 2017
    5. WhiteLion
      wcopp when i am Gmt+5.30 i can play from 6-11pm my time when can you play
      1. sulcata
        gmt -4.
        i guess we'll have to play on the weekend then.
        Sep 18, 2017
    6. Genio.
      gsc mt when? I am gmt+2
      1. View previous comments...
      2. sulcata
        well, i'll be on smogtours as long as i can then. our time zones are fairly far apart so setting up a time is probably a good idea.
        Aug 5, 2017
      3. sulcata
        12pm-12am edt would be ideal if you could tell me when to get on. i might end up doing something in that time period though, so a time would be helpful.
        Aug 5, 2017
      4. Genio.
        I drop the win, can T play cuz of work
        Aug 6, 2017
    7. Brick Small.
      Brick Small.
      Hello, I'm your opp in the GSC Master Tour, I'm available almost everyday between 18:00 - 23:00 GMT -3. Do those times work for you?
      1. sulcata
        That should be fine, we can play now if you're up for it.
        Jul 7, 2017
      2. sulcata
        I'll be in the RoA room on PS main most days.
        Jul 7, 2017
    8. Peasounay
      hi we have to play for rby mt (you got subbed in) i'm gmt +2 and can do most times, when's good
      1. View previous comments...
      2. sulcata
        Jun 23, 2017
      3. Peasounay
        yo do you have a way of playing earlier this afternoon ? schedule time still works but i'll be on PS main most of the day if you can find me earlier i'd be glad
        Jun 25, 2017
      4. sulcata
        i'm up now
        Jun 25, 2017
    9. Arifeen
      yo when play for ppl bro, same as before, GMT +6, free at nights til 10pm, but free in mornings too cuz semester break :x
      1. View previous comments...
      2. sulcata
        Sunday night my time sounds best.
        Apr 28, 2017
      3. Arifeen
        9am my time. See you then
        Apr 29, 2017
      4. sulcata
        Alright, I'll be on smogtours as sulcata at that time.
        Apr 29, 2017
    10. Ariel Rebel
      Ariel Rebel
      When do you want to play for PPL? I'd prefer Thursday or Friday if possible.
      1. sulcata
        late friday would be best then, gmt -4
        Apr 19, 2017
    11. dom
      when do u wanna play for ppl? gmt-7 weekends should work
      1. sulcata
        I'm gmt -4. Sunday's probably best. I'm available after 1-2pm my time.
        Apr 11, 2017
      2. dom
        sounds fine, cya then
        Apr 12, 2017
      3. sulcata
        whenever you're ready, i'm on smogtours
        Apr 16, 2017
    12. Arifeen
      Hey when do u wanna play for ppl? Gmt +6 I'm free at nights til 10pm and on mornings on thurs fri and sat at 9am
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Arifeen
        11pm your time Friday, my bad I kinda screwed that up haha. I have classes on Sunday so can't play in morning
        Mar 30, 2017
      3. sulcata
        Mar 30, 2017
      4. sulcata
        i'll be on smogtours as "dank420memer". just drop a pm when you wake up.
        Apr 1, 2017
    13. Bomber
      hi, gsc mt 18, when do you want to play? gmt +1
      1. sulcata
        Any time today or tomorrow after 2pm gmt -5 could work.
        Dec 10, 2016
      2. Bomber
        how work today 11pm my time that could be 5 pm yours?
        Dec 10, 2016
      3. sulcata
        That works for me. I'll get on smogtours around then.
        Dec 10, 2016
    14. melle2402
      hey, we have to play for gsc master tour. im gmt +1. can u play sunday between 4 and 7 pm my time?
      1. sulcata
        yeah 6-7 pm your time should be fine
        Dec 1, 2016
    15. Ortheore
      hey we are opps for gsc. I'm good to play any night except tonight and thu (+11). When's good?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. sulcata
        hmmm, 11pm your time is 7am my time since I'm gmt -5 (correct me if I'm wrong). Does a time between noon and midnight gmt -5 work at all?
        Nov 24, 2016
      3. Ortheore
        oh crap, I thought you were euro timezone fsr. In that case I can do any time today until about 2:00. However if you mean friday your time I can no longer do that, but I can do the following day at any time
        Nov 24, 2016
      4. sulcata
        Assuming you mean 2pm your time, I think that's 10pm my time which should be fine.
        Nov 25, 2016
    16. Conflict
      kay when can you play? lets get this done today. :)
    17. The_Joker
      Hi! Gsc tour: I can play monday and tuesday at 3 pm my time (gmt+1) or from thursday at 9 pm. Let me know if one of these times works for you :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. The_Joker
        10 pm from thursday on is ok for me! I'll be able to tell you for sure later in the week which days I'll be on :)
        Oct 31, 2016
      3. sulcata
        alright, works best for me as well
        Oct 31, 2016
      4. The_Joker
        Hi! Today I'll be at 10 pm: see you in old gen channel on ps :)
        Nov 3, 2016
    18. The_Joker
      Hi! I can't play for the playoff GSC MT7 until Thursday, then it's fine. I'm gmt+2 and I can play afternoon and evening (not too late). Let me know when it's the ok for you :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. The_Joker
        Friday 2 pm my time is perfect: thanks! :)
        Jul 16, 2015
      3. sulcata
        I'm on PO main right now as sulcata
        Jul 17, 2015
      4. The_Joker
        sorry I'm f***ing stupid. I'm on now
        Jul 17, 2015
    19. Lavos Spawn
      Lavos Spawn
      hey DUDE we gotta play for GSC OU MT8, timezone is gmt -6 available AT YOUR LEISURE
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lavos Spawn
        Lavos Spawn
        you do not contact me on smogon, i am banned. i will be online for the next few hours so we can play if i see you
        Jul 14, 2015
      3. sulcata
        o rip, that sucks
        well maybe next time i won't be stupid and we can actually have a few matches. gl in the rest of the tour.
        Jul 15, 2015
      4. Lavos Spawn
        Lavos Spawn
        thanks dude. sorry we couldn't find each other online, promise i wasn't dodging u
        Jul 15, 2015
    20. Lutra
      Hey, we gotta play for GSC OU MT7, when do you want to play?
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