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    Check out the 2024 Tournament Calendar and join our discord server to participate in our tournaments!

Oct 22, 2016
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Host Emeritus

Professional :eyes: spammer Jul 10, 2018

    1. Green on fire
      Green on fire
      Hi, we have to play Open 1. Can you play Thursday at 7 PM GMT-3?
    2. Maya
      rby bo9 when
      1. HML am
        HML am
        Jul 21, 2019
    3. alpha male psyduck
      alpha male psyduck
      Hey, we're matched up for Cerulean Cup, I kind of forgot about it. I'm GMT -5, I'll be free from like 12-4 p.m today, and pretty much anytime past 10 p.m until I sleep. I'll probably be free a bit in the morning tomorrow too. What works for you?
    4. wyc2333
      rby mt, gmt+8. 8pm my time on wednesday?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. wyc2333
        on what day could u be earlier
        Feb 19, 2019
      3. Sceptross
        Tomorrow or Sunday
        Feb 22, 2019
      4. wyc2333
        7pm my time today?
        Feb 23, 2019
    5. ErPeris
      We miss the best leader <3
      1. Sceptross likes this.
    6. LoxDoc
      uu global tour when?
      1. Sceptross
        Hit me up on Discord (Sceptross#7340) for easier scheduling
        Jan 22, 2019
      2. Sceptross
        I'll be around tomorrow for most of the day, message me here or if you can see me, contact me on PS!
        Jan 25, 2019
    7. Koremin
      Hi, I'm your opponent for the next turn of the RBY Master Thing. Sadly I will not be able to play before wednesday 21h-0h (gmt +1), but i'm free the rest of the week.
      1. Sceptross
        We should be able to do this easily then. Contact me on Discord (Sceptross#7340), but I should be available pretty much whenever.
        Jan 22, 2019
      2. ErPeris
        Did you play guys? The deadline was yesterday.
        Let me know :)
        Jan 24, 2019
      3. Sceptross
        Nope, not yet. I'll be around for most of the day though Koremin
        Jan 24, 2019
    8. terpnation
      Hey! I'm about to get on a 22 hour flight to Hong Kong and will be traveling throughout China for the whole week. You down to do our MT set the night (GMT-4) of October 7th when I get back?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. terpnation
        Tuesday the 9th* sorry still a little jet lagged lol
        Oct 8, 2018
      3. Sceptross
        I had already asked yesterday. That works, see you tomorrow!
        Oct 8, 2018
      4. terpnation
        just a heads up, it's going to be closer to 8pm. See you tomorrow!
        Oct 9, 2018
    9. Ransei
      Grats on becoming a Pokemon Master

      1. Sceptross and kjdaas like this.
    10. Sceptross
      Professional :eyes: spammer
      1. Eseque and ErPeris like this.
      2. ErPeris
        Jul 10, 2018
      3. Eseque
        Aug 3, 2018
      4. Chrysalis
        Sep 10, 2018
    11. Lusch
      Hi! RBY MT. GMT+2. I can play Thursday or Friday at 10 pm. Potentially Saturday or Sunday as well. How about your availabilities?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Lusch
        it's okay. The deadline is a week from now anyways. I would definitely prefer to play on Thurday evening then. 10 pm GMT+2. (other possible, but less prefered optionas are Friday 10 pm and Sunday I guess, but I'm not sure about the weekend yet, and would like to get it done earlier.)
        Good luck for your thesis' defense! :)
        Jul 8, 2018
      3. Sceptross
        That should be perfect for me! Thanks, it went better than I expected ^^
        Jul 9, 2018
      4. Lusch
        Cool! Thursday 10 pm it is then. I'll be on ruins of alph.
        Jul 10, 2018
    12. Lusch
      Hey! We are opponents for the RBY MT. Deadline is Monday night, but I can already tell you that my weekend is already completely planned out and I cannot/don't want to squeeze a bo5 somewhere in there. I'm GMT+2 and evenings are generally best/the only time I can really play.
      I can probably give you next Thursday, 10 pm GMT+2?
      1. Sceptross
        I'm busy for the entire weekend too so no worries. Thursday seems good, I can't guarantee so early I'll be available but I probably will.
        May 19, 2018
    13. Sceptross
      Where I go I do not know, I only know the place I've been. Dreams they come and go, ever shall be so, nothing's real until you feel.
      1. Lojh likes this.
      2. Lojh
        you also do not know where you have been. Sure you have memories, but they could be implanted into yourself by another species. Things you feel can also not be real, we could be in an illusion and all asleep at this moment. Dreams could be our reality, or our dreams could also be closer to reality but not quite reality. Nothing is real for certain, other than the emotions we feel and the thoughts in our head.
        Apr 12, 2018
      3. Maya
        Jul 10, 2018
    14. theurbandear
      when do you want to play for ppl? im utc -4. thursday or weekend works best for me.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Sceptross
        5-6PM works best :) 5PM your time, 10PM mine then?
        Apr 2, 2018
      3. theurbandear
        sounds good to me. smogtours or pp server?
        Apr 2, 2018
      4. Sceptross
        I personally don't like battling in smogtours unless really necessary because of the forced timer, so I'd rather play in the PP server if you don't mind
        Apr 3, 2018
    15. Sceptross
      Due to a serious in real life problem, I'll be away for an undetermined time. Don't dq me from any tours. See you in some time.
      1. kjdaas likes this.
    16. Alice
      Hey, RBY MT when? GMT+1, mid test week rn so would prefer to play fri/sat evening my time if that works for you?
      1. Sceptross
        The later the better. Saturday evening seems fine. Time?
        Mar 13, 2018
      2. Alice
        Around 9pm?
        Mar 13, 2018
      3. Sceptross
        Sorry, I completely forgot to answer you, rough week. If you are still available, I'd rather play a bit later, if you don't mind.
        Mar 17, 2018
    17. Sceptross
      PPL player signups are up! Sign up, invite your friends, invite your girlfriend, invite your dog, invite everyone!
    18. TuffHunter
      So round 2 is us huh? At home most of the day today so I can play. Gmt -5 (2:11 pm at the time of posting). Normally I can play weekdays between 12-1pm on my lunchbreaks or 8-11pm at night.
      1. Sceptross
        Yup, apparently :P Today it's hard for me already. I think I'd rather play on a weekday, in your lunch break (if that's really not a problem for you). We can also play next weekend, it's still on the deadline. If weekday, any day but Monday should work. Weekend I should be available whenever it's best for you.
        Feb 18, 2018
      2. TuffHunter
        I’ll for you during my lunches. Also I can easily be reached on Discord: TuffHunter#9609
        Feb 18, 2018
      3. Sceptross
        Sent you a Discord friend request :)
        Feb 19, 2018
    19. TuffHunter
      Tournament question... I can’t find it anywhere; does using explosion/selfdestruct to win for my final pokemon count as a tie for the purpose of this tournament?
      1. Sceptross
        Yes, it does. Which means that, in practice, the match doesn't count :)
        Feb 15, 2018
    20. stunner047
      hi man, we are paired up for paraslam tour. I'm gmt+8, when can you play?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. stunner047
        5 pm my time? I have a study group later
        Feb 16, 2018
      3. Sceptross
        Hmm... I won't give you a good set so early, but if you can't play at any other time... :/
        Feb 17, 2018
      4. Sceptross
        I'm on PP server.
        Feb 18, 2018
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