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  • hey, sorry for contacting this late I didn't have any notification, when can you play for ADV Open?
    Hi! We have to play for the ADV Championship R1. I'm GMT+1 and I can play all the evenings between 9~10PM my time, the week-end all day and quite often in the week depending of when my online classes are. Let me know which time(s) would work best for you!
    hi! We have to play for the ADV Qualifier quarterfinals, I'm GMT+2 and quite flexible schedule wise ; I would just rather not play too late my time if possible.
    hello, i'm gmt+1, i can play everyday this week from 9 to 12 am, i have also send you a friend request on discord maybe we can schedule our match further there.
    i sent you a friend request on discord for ez scheduling

    when do you want to play?
    im gmt+10, 10pm-midnight are always good times, but i am flexible with making other times too
    i can play during the times you proposed, how about tomorrow?
    Hey, we are paired for adv r2 this week, gmt+1 here, free all day wednesday/friday/sunday... What works for you?
    i can battle wednesday or friday before noon. somewhere between 9 am and 12 am would be good for me.
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