Recent content by Plumbum

  1. Plumbum

    Community PS Server Rules

  2. Plumbum

    Archive The Forums Report - September

  3. Plumbum

    Community The Forums Sounding Board

  4. Plumbum


    Team GB are flattening for being such a small country. 16 gold, 11 silver, 11 bronze. And I'm sure we're not close to finished yet.
  5. Plumbum

    Archive Thriller Night - Gym #1

  6. Plumbum

    Random [RP] Pokemon Civil War SU

  7. Plumbum

    running sentences with voice recognition for fun

    Could you put our tell me what's wrong about?
  8. Plumbum

    Needs Improvement!

    If you want an Electric-type for the sake of having an Electric-type, I have to recommend Choice Jolteon - you're lacking anything that can revenge kill and you don't exactly compound a Ground-weakness by adding in a grounded Electric-type.
  9. Plumbum


    I like too much parody music; Jon Lajoie and "Weird Al" Yankovic being my favourites and the former's "WTF Collective" provding a lot of my alt names.
  10. Plumbum

    WIP [B/W OU] Sigilyph

    RU = typo. I'll sort it. And Fuji, Flame Orb is used to avoid status that can affect Sigilyph, sleep and paralysis, so it's worth equal mention with Mail in my mind.