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Last Activity:
Jul 4, 2016
Apr 24, 2015
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Enigami was last seen:
Jul 4, 2016
    1. Jaajgko
      hello, i'm gmt +1, can you play on friday evening ?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Enigami
        That works for me, see you then!
        Jan 15, 2020
      3. Enigami
        Waiting in RoA
        Jan 17, 2020
      4. Enigami
        "Yo i stayed a bit longer at the library I'm in the train rn can you play in 30 mins ?" Sure thing, see in 30 min
        Jan 17, 2020
    2. Ika Ika Musume
      Ika Ika Musume
      When you wanna play RBY WC GMT
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ika Ika Musume
        Ika Ika Musume
        I thought you meant next week on saturday since you said saturday and it was already saturday for me lol. My bad, can we reschedule or if not no problem
        Nov 10, 2019
      3. Enigami
        We can play next Saturday at 2PM if that still works for you.
        Nov 10, 2019
      4. Enigami
        Been waiting in RoA for about 15 min, guess you're not playing today? I'll be away for about 30 min, if you're not available by then will Sunday work?
        Nov 16, 2019
    3. Waves
      hey, when do you wanna play for rby master tournament? gmt -5
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Enigami
        I think that works. See you then!
        Nov 6, 2019
      3. Waves
        Yo, some emergency family stuff came up. You down to play tomorrow at the same time?
        Nov 8, 2019
      4. Enigami
        That works, hope it's nothing serious, and if it is, everything ends fine. See you tomorrow!
        Nov 8, 2019
    4. Lusch
      RBY OU MT. I am GMT+2. This week is really busy for me. Tbh, only the weekend could somehow work. Maybe Saturday night or Sunday late night my time. Please give me times for both on which you will be available if you can, and I'll try to figure out one that works.
      1. Enigami
        I'm not 100% certain, but I'm pretty sure your Saturday/Sunday nights will easily be doable. Probably anywhere in the GMT-4 1PM-onwards range works on the weekend.
        Oct 22, 2019
      2. Lusch
        Ok. How about Saturday 7 pm GMT+2 / 1 pm GMT-4?
        Oct 23, 2019
      3. Lusch
        I'll need your confirmation. If I hear nothing else, I'll just take the silence as one.
        I have made my weekend plans according to the proposed time now.
        Oct 25, 2019
    5. Jaajgko
      yo i'm +2, can you play on wednesday or thursday evening ?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Jaajgko
        so that's 8pm then. i've already given up on the smogon tour so sure
        Oct 27, 2019
      3. Enigami
        I got slightly delayed, are you available to play? I'm waiting on RoA
        Oct 27, 2019
      4. Jaajgko
        i pm'd you on ps
        Oct 27, 2019
    6. Decode
      Hi, when you wanna play for RBY master tour?
      1. Enigami
        Sunday would be perfect, though I'm scheduled to fight Lusch tomorrow at 3PM GMT-4 so we can't play at that time. Tuesday, Thursday and possibly Wednesday and Friday after 6PM GMT-4 also work.
        Oct 6, 2019
      2. Decode
        I'm gmt+2, so tuesday and thursday after 6 pm your time won't work for me cause i gotta go to sleep for work. I can't play today either except on my afternoon and already have scheduled a match for another tour on 4 pm gmt+2, so we would have to play on your friday evening.
        Oct 6, 2019
      3. Enigami
        Ready and waiting, just let me know when you're ready to play
        Oct 11, 2019
    7. Decode
      Hi when you wanna play for Fuchsia Cup? gmt+2
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Decode
        Nvm i'm actually gonna watch a football / soccer match of my fathers homecountry on that time, around midnight should work tho.
        Jul 7, 2019
      3. Enigami
        That should be fine
        Jul 7, 2019
      4. Enigami
        Waiting in Ruins of Alph channel on Pokemon Showdown
        Jul 7, 2019
    8. Dre89
      Hey I'm +10 GMT. I can play from 9-12 pm tomorrow to Saturday my time, and I have more availability on Sunday. Let me know what suits you.
      1. Enigami
        Saturday-Sunday your time should work great, but I'm not sure exactly when just yet. I'll let you know a more definitive time once I'm sure.
        May 1, 2019
      2. Dre89
        Hey do you know what time suits you yet?
        May 6, 2019
      3. Enigami
        Saturday & Sunday left no time available, today should be very open though
        May 6, 2019
    9. ErPeris
      hey, rby mt #51, wanna play next weekend? i'm gmt +1
      1. Enigami
        Next weekend should be good.
        Mar 24, 2019
      2. ErPeris
        Hey, we changed gmt, i'm +2 now. I can play today from 7:30 to 9:30 pm gmt +2 or even tomorrow from 11am to 9 pm gmt +2 (tomorrow almost anytime, yeah)
        Mar 31, 2019
    10. ErPeris
      Hey :) rby mt #50, wanna play on Sunday (from 2 pm to 9 pm, when you prefer) ? My gmt is +1
      1. Enigami
        So about 8 AM - 3 PM my time... Lets try for 1 PM on Sunday
        Feb 25, 2019
      2. Enigami
        (my 1 PM / your 7 PM)
        Feb 25, 2019
      3. ErPeris
        Sure! See you on sunday 7pm +1 :)
        Feb 25, 2019
    11. Genesis7
      We're paired for the invitational, I'm GMT -4. When can you play?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Genesis7
        ok let's play at 7 pm on Thursday then
        Oct 10, 2018
      3. Enigami
        Sounds good
        Oct 10, 2018
      4. Genesis7
        I'll be on PS main
        Oct 11, 2018
    12. Ranshiin
      rby mt, when do you want to play? gmt +2
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Ranshiin
        Sep 25, 2018
      3. Enigami
        Sounds good, we'll play then
        Sep 26, 2018
      4. Ranshiin
        I'm on in main with nick ranshiin
        Sep 28, 2018
    13. Golden Gyarados
      Golden Gyarados
      Hey we're up for the RBY MT. I'm GMT-5, when do you wanna play?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Golden Gyarados
        Golden Gyarados
        Okay, how soon can you play after work? I want to set a specific time so I don't have to idle much
        Sep 19, 2018
      3. Enigami
        Didn't see your comment, guessing it's too late for today? Let's try Thursday at 8 PM your time. Should be plenty of time for me to get back home.
        Sep 20, 2018
      4. Golden Gyarados
        Golden Gyarados
        Okay, 8pm Thursday my time. See you then.
        Sep 20, 2018
    14. star
      rby mt. im free tomorrow whenever and anytime after 6:30pm -4 weekdays or the weekend anytime
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Enigami
        Sorry, I've been really busy this week. I can play in the next hour or so, this evening (probably sometime after 5 PM), or pretty much all of Sunday. We have the same time zone so that should make timing easier.
        Jul 7, 2018
      3. star
        ok sometime after 5pm today sounds good
        Jul 7, 2018
      4. Enigami
        We need to set an exact time. I'll be hanging around the RoA room for tonight, but if we don't happen to bump into eachother, we should schedule for tomorrow. If you aren't ready soon, how's 10:00 AM Sunday sound?
        Jul 7, 2018
    15. Golden Gyarados
      Golden Gyarados
      Hey, when do you wanna play for PPL? I'm GMT-5 and can do pretty much any afternoon/evening this week.
      1. View previous comments...
      2. Golden Gyarados
        Golden Gyarados
        Hey I'm online and should be for the next few hours. I think I'm already eliminated but I'm still willing to play for the record if you are
        May 21, 2018
      3. Enigami
        I would like to, but I'm 3 hours away from my computer right now.
        May 21, 2018
      4. Enigami
        I was wrong, got back about an hour & 15 minutes earlier than I thought I would be.
        May 21, 2018
    16. stunner047
      Hi man, we are paired up dor PPL. I'm gmt+8, when can you play?
      1. View previous comments...
      2. stunner047
        Saturday 9 am your time?
        May 7, 2018
      3. Enigami
        Sounds good
        May 8, 2018
      4. stunner047
        you can find me on PS main
        May 12, 2018
    17. Purple Toad
      Purple Toad
      Hey can I join your GSC tour over you? It seems it hasn't started already. Of course, if you want to play, you can, I would just like to play myself.
      1. Enigami
        I already gave my spot to Isa, but I'll go ahead and put you in as a sub. Activity seems sadly lacking, and so odds are you'll get to play.
        Dec 17, 2017
      2. Purple Toad
        Purple Toad
        ok cool, thanks.
        Dec 18, 2017
    18. SaDiSTiCNarwhal
      wanna play for no tauros tour sometime? we are the same timezone
      1. SaDiSTiCNarwhal
        holy crap I can't even remember why I left in the first place, so sorry. If u come back on I promise I won't disappear
        Dec 16, 2017
    19. Paul
      Hey, I'm sorry, you were the 11th person to respond to any of my posts I sent out about the Gen 1 draft league. You can't really go up to 12 teams in Gen 1 so I'm sorry to say that its bad luck that we got filled up. But if someone drops out I'll be sure to let you know, if you don't mind being on a wait list of sorts haha
    20. Enigami
      For any tournament hosts, effective immediately I'm withdrawing from all tournaments / seasons.
      1. Enigami
        I'm not leaving Pokemon Perfect though, just don't have motivation to play much right now and have other things demanding my time.
        Oct 19, 2017
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