• Hey, we are paired for dewford cup r2. Im gmt+2 and prefer to play in the evening my time (except tonight). What day and time do you prefer?
    Hey bud when do you wanna play for Callous Tour? Weekend is best for me but if you're available on a weekday after 7pm my time that might work.
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Weekend will probably be better for me in that case, im free all day on sunday
    Ugly Duckling
    Ugly Duckling
    Sunday it is :)
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Looking forward to it!
    when for ppl? gmt +2
    I'm free on my morning and evening
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Oh sorry I ended up having a meeting today. Tomorrow I have a presentation in the afternoon but I should be able to do Thursday between 2pm and 4pm my time. My week schedule is very difficult to predict right now and I may end up having another meeting at that time. I will know by tomorrow afternoon. I will definitely be available after 3pm on friday though.
    Unfortunately friday is the only one day I cannot play on night. We can try to schedule for Thursday at 2 pm of your time
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Ok yes I will be able to make that time, see you then!
    when adv, gmt-4 and free throughout weekend
    wanna just go w the extension? i don rlly wanna play after midnight bc of an 830am class and odds are the series would draw out till then and im free mon-weds night all night besides a few hours weds, so shouldnt be hard
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Yeah sounds good I'll let tjdaas know
    Hey man, we're up for Viridian. I'm GMT-6, when do you wanna play?
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    hey, pretty busy throughout tomorrow and friday, saturday i get off work around 3-4 pm your time, sunday im free all day so that would probably be best. I'm at gmt-7 before DST kicks in.
    Golden Gyarados
    Golden Gyarados
    Okay let's do Sunday, I'll be GMT-5 then and I assume you'll be GMT-6. Want to target the morning, maybe 11am my time (10am yours I think that would be?)
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    works for me!
    Hey, we're opps for adv. I'm +10, good to play any day except tomorrow, when's good?
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Hmm probably later in the day, I have a MEPS examination in the morning and I'm not sure how long that's gonna take. I'll let you know when I have more information.
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Hey, just letting you know, it's been pretty vague on how long it will take but i don't imagine it will go much past noon so let's say 2pm my time (gmt-6) if that's possible for you.
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Alright, just got back
    we play again! You have my discord so contact shouldn't be hard. We can play now, or just set a time through discord up to you
    hi - i'm gm5 -4 and would love to play today / tomorrow. weekdays i'm good after 9 pm. next weekend should be fine too, lmk and best of luck.
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Hey next weekend would probably be better since next week is finals week for me. Any time after Thursday.
    sorry for not responding. i'm good for the weekend to play if that works, sunday best for me
    hey friend, we have to play for international fist ADV, when are you available? gmt +2
    did you notice my post in which i report my win vs contact? just asking because in the group 3 games hidetag my name is not bolded.
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    Disaster Area is the one in charge of International League i can shoot him a message for you.
    can you give me a one day extension? I have finals tomorrow and I'm free to play tomorrow or any other day
    Cowboy Dan
    Cowboy Dan
    yeah no problem thanks for letting me know
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