• Hi, when Gsc?
    autumn leaves
    autumn leaves
    if im on smogtours. alternatively Kevin#3300
    Lol, why did u answer after a week?
    Are you available sunday?
    autumn leaves
    autumn leaves
    i am, i'm on all p much all day. sorry i havent checked pp at all lately
    We have to play for GSC OU Master Tournament #27; I am in EDT (UTC-4) and can play from 4-8 PM on weekdays and most of the time on weekends. When do you want to play?
    hey man when do you wanna play for gsc tour? gmt +2
    Mmh it depends because I have to play for PPL and then smogon tour on Saturday. What about Monday afternoon?
    (I didn't expect you are actually gmt +2 btw)
    autumn leaves
    autumn leaves
    yeah im in prague atm. sure we couldnt just do it during/after tour? if not monday afternoons g
    before smogtour I'll play for another tour and after I could be salty or tired or something like it. The best for me is Monday because I'm totally free that day
    hi, we are paired for RBY. when are u available? I'm gmt +1
    uhmm, tomorrow I'm not free, considering the deadline is Thursday is fine for you in evening (my time)?
    autumn leaves
    autumn leaves
    should work, i'm also on for a bit longer now
    I'll be home from 18.00 (my time, gmt +1).You Can find on RoA.

    seeja man
    Hey, I know we were talking about it on discord, but just wanted to make an official post 'cuz why not. I'm thinking we could maybe do it early next week but since there are a lot of important things that I need to schedule for next week that I don't yet know which day they'll be in, I'll make a follow up post on this after I figure it out, trying to propose something.
    autumn leaves
    autumn leaves
    hey im pretty busy but i can always squeeze time in so just whenever were both on
    hey bro when do you wanna play for hgss mt? gmt +2 and my best time is saturday on my evening
    autumn leaves
    autumn leaves
    hey man, if you see me around just shoot me a pm
    Hola amigo, we have to play for the bw uber tournament, hmu when you want on discord. Varyel#2980
    Im gmt +2!
    Hey, it seems we're opps for rby. I'm -5 atm, good to play literally any day, any reasonable time except sat night
    autumn leaves
    autumn leaves
    hey, i'm gmt -5 tomorrow and can play like noonish, otherwise i'll be +1 and sporadically available (evenings should be okish)
    I'll try catch you noon today, otherwise I can play p much any afternoon, so yeah that would be whichever day works
    Hey, we're opponents for bw2. I'm +11, good to fight wed morning and all day thu, otherwise if we play during the day it might have to wait until next week. When's good?
    yeah sure, although I'm not really available this weekend, so maybe next week would be better
    hey, might be best to lock in a time. I've been crazy busy of late and haven't really been online much. Wed/thu/sun work best for me
    autumn leaves
    autumn leaves
    what times on those days? I can try to make them
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